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Do I Need a Running Coach? Why Every Runner will Benefit- Jamie Dodge

Today we’re joined by one of our own coaches at RunnersConnect; how she got involved with it and her life story in running.

Ladies, and gentlemen, meet coach and friend, Jamie Dodge.

Not only has she led to hundreds of PR’s while struggling with Hashimoto’s (an autoimmune disease), but she pushed herself to run almost completely on her own.

Jamie initially began running as a young adult, but after quitting for several years, she made the leap to begin running again in an effort to lose the baby weight.

Sound familiar?

After becoming slightly addicted to it, Jamie delved deep into the running world.

She started reading all the right books and did the RRCA coaching program, but she still didn’t know as much as she wanted. In the process, she began her own running training program which started with 13 people and quickly escalated to 120, and that’s how her coaching began.

Shortly after, she began working with Jeff, the founder of Runners Connect, and she’s since been with us for two years.

Such an inspirational podcast! Must listen! Julie Benson shares her heart wrenching story of the Boston Marathon bombings (while racing for Sandy Hook children!), and how she overcame her eating disorder to find comfort in running.

Today’s topics include:

  • How to live a happy and active lifestyle when suffering from Hashimoto’s
  • Digging deeper to reach your goals sooner
  • What it’s like running as a pacer and would she recommend it
  • Getting out of the mentality of time and pace to live in the moment
  • Why you should focus on the experience vs. the results
  • Having a coach regardless of your level of expertise
  • Her advice for people wanting to take on gluten-free and how she came to love it

Even though all of Jamie’s clients inspire her, she shares a couple of her most inspiring success stories, along with her advice for new and experienced runners alike.

We also tell you what Runners Connect is all about and how our membership program works, the ins and outs of coaching with us, and why you should join a running community like Runners Connect today.

Be sure to tune in next week when we’re joined by Julie Benson, who has an incredible story about the Boston Marathon bombings.

Also, be sure to check out our Podcast page for more interviews, ways to subscribe, and information all about the Run to the Top Podcast!


“We often focus too much on the results but at the end of the day for all of us it should be about the social aspect.” Tina

“It’s important to find someone out there who really know what they’re talking about.” Tina

“The body doesn’t know pace, it knows effort.” Jamie

“I think so often runners get so result-oriented that they forget about the journey. It’s really not the finish line or the time that you remember; you remember the people and the person you became in the process of overcoming obstacles or running distances you haven’t run before.“ Jamie

[bctt tweet=”Loved hearing the inspiring story of coach Jamie Dodge, worth a listen!”]

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