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You can be Fit After 50; Older, Faster, Stronger Author Margaret Webb

In this episode, I talked to the author of Older, Faster Stronger- What Women Runners Can Teach Us About Living Younger, Longer.

A few weeks ago, we talked to World Record Holder, Kathy Martin, and today we are taking that one step further.

It really reinforced my belief that you can begin running at any age. I could not believe what I was hearing; 70, 80, even 90 year old friends of our guest today. They not only still run, but they are breaking world records, and keep changing the rules when it comes to masters running.

These women are sure to inspire you, and we will talk to our guest, Margaret Webb. How at age 50, she dedicated her life to her training, and put her body in better shape in her 50s, than she did in her 30s.

Margaret Webb FB

To hear a little more about Margaret:

  • She is an author, journalist, screenwriter, and teacher.
  • Her book Older, Faster Stronger- What Women Runners Can Teach Us About Living Younger, Longer is available in independent bookstores, as well as on amazon and in Barnes and Noble.
  • Margarets articles have been featured in Sports Illustrated Women, and she co-wrote the feature film Margarita, which was featured in over 100 film festivals all around the world. Margarita won 9 awards, including Audiences Favorite; Best Feature. It is currently available on Netflix for you to watch.

In this episode, we are going to talk about:

  • How approaching 50 was a turning point for Margaret.
  • How she decided to kick start her running, seeing not only an improvement in her physical health, but her whole outlook on life.
  • What the mentors and friends she surrounds herself with (one of which is a 3:57 marathoner at 75 years old) have taught her about running strong.
  • How running has grown into a team sport in recent years, and why.
  • The importance of eating sustainable foods as a runner, and how her diet has changed as she has aged.
  • What a typical week of training looks like, especially in her super fit year
  • Why Margaret recommends speed workouts, especially as you get older.

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Links and Resources mentioned in this Interview:

Margaret Webb Website

Older, Faster, Stronger- What Women Runners Can Teach Us About Living Younger, Longer.

Apples to Oysters


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