How to get started

Yes, this is a lot of information!

But, we’ve hopefully made it easy for you to navigate and easily add strength training to your running program.

First, to create the app-like experience…

Launch the Safari browser on your phone and navigate to the welcome page (this screen if you’re already logged in on your phone)

Then, tap the “share” button on your browser’s toolbar (it’s the rectangle with an arrow pointing up.) You’ll find this at the top of an iPad screen, and at the bottom of an iPhone or iPod Touch screen.

Then click the “Add to Home Screen” option.

Step 1: Choose your prescription

If you are training for a specific race then choose that race distance. If you are a beginner, we have a beginner program and we also have a few other prescriptions if you’re not training for a specific race at the moment.

Step 2: Follow the prescription outline

Each prescription comes with specific instructions for what to do each week. Read the instructions and start on the correct week. The routines you’re assigned will all be visible in the left hand corner of the screen.

Step 3: Use injury prevention guides if needed

If you need to rehab or prevent a specific injury, open the injury prevention module, choose your injury, and add the strength work to your weekly routine.

Step 4: Read material

After you’ve got everything set you can take the time to read the material about why and how your program works.


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