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How to be the Leader of Your Own Journey- Tawnee Prazak

We are following the theme of becoming the best version of ourselves and finding that balance. Ben Greenfield (our guest from last week) is also a great friend of today’s guest, who talks about him and his profound impact on her life.

We’re joined by the amazing Tawnee Prazak. She’s a triathlon coach, personal trainer, multimedia journalist and triathlete living in Laguna Beach, California. Tawnee is the owner and show host of popular podcast Endurance Planet, and has been one of the most requested guests for Run to the Top. She’s not only a great person, but she’s so much fun.

She tells me all about her blogging experience and writing career, and I learn a great deal about Endurance Planet and how it’s grown.
Endurance Planet
is a resource for every endurance sport. She’s one of the most sought-after coaches in the subject, and has a master’s degree in kinesiology. Tawnee is also a fitness model and public speaker, and develops fitness plans and consultations.

Endurance Planet host Tawnee Prazak shares how to learn to be productive rather than busy to get the most out of your training and life, and how to keep your eyes on the finish line of your next race, no matter what is thrown your way. Every runner will learn from this episode and Tawnee's bubbly, yet relatable personality will keep you entertained from start to finish.

Today we talk about:

  • What it is about racing that Tawnee loves
  • Being the leader of your own journey
  • The #1 thing on her list of priorities and how it got there
  • Letting go of the need to be busy instead of being productive
  • How she figured out how to switch her mind off so she could get to sleep
  • The danger in the data, having more patience and keeping your eyes off the finish line
  • How she prepares herself for a race and calms herself down on race day

We cover so much information, but it doesn’t stop there. We go on about the power of experience, Tawnee’s secret to being fit for life, why she loves podcasts so much, the importance of cross-training in her success and the dirty truth about multitasking.

Here are a couple of final thoughts and tips from Tawnee:

  • You can really do a lot of good stuff to your body just by putting a barbell on your back.
  • Work on your mobility and your stability; build the foundation first.
  • Constantly ask yourself: what are your strengths and weaknesses and how can you evolve?


“Early on I felt like I needed to be busy to have success, but it was actually creating a mind that didn’t rest.”

“I should have reeled myself in, had more patience, slowed down to get faster by developing a well-rounded aerobics and anaerobic system and doing it in the right order.”

“Criticism motivates me more than anything.”

“It’s great to be competitive and be a go getter and have a lot of grit and determination, but you also have to balance that out with the ability to mindful and present with things and not let your competitive nature overwhelm you with all the things.”

“It’s the week leading up to the race when you really need to keep yourself in check.”

“Focus on you and believe in yourself.”

“Running is easy, but it’s not easy to do well.”

“I love the world podcasts open us to.”

“I was letting other people’s journey’s influence mine when they shouldn’t have been”

[bctt tweet=”How to be the Leader of Your Own Journey. Love this @Runners_Connect interview with @TawneePrazak” via=”no”]

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Links and Resources mentioned in this Interview:

Living with a SEAL: 31 Days Training with the Toughest Man on the Planet

Phil Maffetone Runners Connect interview


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