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What Choices You Need to Make to Commit to Your Running Goals- Susan Loken

Inspiration. We can find it almost anywhere. The running world is surrounded by it. However, there are some people that just give off so much energy and passion that they inspire you just by being around them. My guest today is one of those people. From not knowing what a marathon was at age 35, to qualifying for the Olympic trials within a matter of years, my guest today is the textbook example of chasing your dreams, at any age.

Susan Loken is one inspirational masters runner! From a run-walk mother of 3 to a 4 time marathon masters champion, learn her tips & tricks to running fast!

My guest today is Susan Loken.

  • Took up running at the age of 35, after the birth of her third child.
  • Finished second in 2004 masters marathon championships and returned to win in 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2010
  • Qualified for 2004, 2008, 2012 olympic trials, and currently training to qualify for her 4th for 2016
  • Founded Believe Train Become (BTB) coaching to help runners and aspiring athletes to achieve personal success

Today Susan and I are going to talk about:

  • How Susan started as a run-walker at age 35 and progressed to her 2:41 marathon PR at age 45
  • The choices susan made to reach her goals and how you can do the same to live the running lifestyle
  • Importance of training partners to inspire one another
  • Why running is secondary to prehab or physical therapy, how her approach to training has changed as she has aged, and what recovery tools she values most
  • What to do as a female masters runner as your body changes and why you need to get your hormone levels checked reguarly
  • Susans advice for setting goals as you get older Loken.mp3

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Links and Resources mentioned in this Interview:

Sonoran Distance Project

Runners Connect Strength Training Program

Dynamic Stretching and Lunge Matrix

Believe Train Become Coaching

Susan’s Blog- Runner Loken

ElliptiGo Cross Training Tool

Roll Recovery R8 Roller

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