If you’ve ever run a marathon, you know how hectic race day can be.
You’re out of your element, you’re in a new area, and everything about your routine is falling apart. This is where Chris Heuisler comes in!
I brought Chris on the podcast today to talk about what he does as the RunWestin Concierge.
As concierge, he’s on-call to every single marathoner running the Rock ‘n Roll marathon.
He posts up in the lobby of the hotel and answers questions, showers runners with love, and makes sure everyone is happy, comfortable, and having a good time.
He also familiarizes himself with the marathon course and the marathon city in order to guarantee that he can offer his fellow runners an honest opinion of the marathon.
There’s so much to Chris’ job that being the concierge is often called “the runner’s dream job”!
Here are some of the topics we’ll discuss today:
- What it means to be a marathon concierge
- How to prep for your big race day
- How to feel more at ease during your next race
- Why overall wellness is so important to successful running
- How to find runner-friendly things while traveling
- What it’s like to run with new people
Questions Chris is asked:
2:53 What does it mean to be the RunWestin Concierge?
4:49 What do you do when you run the Rock ‘n Roll course early?
6:00 Do you explore the cities that host these rockin’ marathons?
6:27 Do you greet runners as they arrive the night before the race?
7:02 What does the concierge do on race day?
9:23 How many people show up to run the Rock ‘n Roll marathon?
9:52 What taught you the most as a runner?
11:25 What’s your favorite moment from the marathons?
13:30 Which is your favorite Rock ‘n Roll marathon?
14:25 Which city would you recommend for a first-time Rock ‘n Roller?
15:42 How can we connect with you on Twitter? @RunWestin
16:12 Would you recommend Rock ‘n Roll marathons for everyone?
17:20 How did you become the concierge?
22:50 Do you think RunWestin will keep moving forward and get better and better?
24:34 What are some tricks to asking hotels for more runner information?
27:17 How did you learn runner-friendly things while traveling?
29:54 Did you ever think your concierge position would grow as it has?
31:22 What is your favorite question to ask fellow runners?
33:00 What is your story about running in Mammoth?
34:48 What is it about running that you love most?
39:10 Why is the running community so strong?
41:00 What made you decide to run a marathon in a banana suit?
43:43 How much harder was it to run in a costume?
47:42 The Final Kick Round!
[bctt tweet=”Great race day tips from @RunWestin, who possibly has the best job in the world!” username=”Runners_Connect”]
Quotes by Chris
“I’ve been running for 20 years, and I think I just took it for granted that races run the way that they do. But there’s a science to it.”
“I think runners are like brides on their wedding weekends. They’re anxious, they’re needy, and they want attention. My job is to give them all three.”
“Everybody’s a runner…we all line up on the same start line and we all run through the same finish lane, but everybody has a different reason to be there.”
“You can learn something from every single person you meet if you ask the right question.”
“The best ideas come when you’re running.”
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