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How to Level Up in the Game of Life- Nerd Fitness

On today’s podcast, I’m speaking with Steve Kamb, founder of Nerd Fitness and author of Level Up Your Life. Steve helps people change their lifestyles by making and sticking to small changes over a period of time. Steve is one of the most brilliant and creative minds in the fitness industry.

Rather than focusing on people who are highly motivated to work out, Steve tends to appeal to those for whom fitness was never a top priority. His goal is to make exercise and fitness fun, approachable and doable by anyone, even for those who would much rather play video games or attend a Star Wars convention than hit the gym.

Nerd Fitness founder Steve Kamb talks about how important it is for us to cultivate discipline to stay committed to our training and running rather than motivation. This podcast will change your perspective and attitude towards your fitness, and show you how you can improve yourself and make life more enjoyable in the process.

Some of the topics you’ll hear about today include:

  • How Steve got started with his journey toward better fitness.
  • Some of the features of the Nerd Fitness website, including the Epic Quest of Awesomeness, the yoga videos and the create-a-character program.
  • Why Nerd Fitness works.
  • Why travel is so important to Steve.
  • The greatest advice Steve has ever gotten, what he likes to eat after a workout, and his favorite blogs.

Questions Steve is asked:

2:25: Can you tell us about your fitness journey?

4:10: Can you explain Nerd Fitness and what makes it different?

7:28: What is the Epic Quest of Awesome?

11:00: Have other people been able to follow along with your philosophy?

16:25: What would be your advice to someone who falls out of their exercise routine for a while?

23:10: Can you tell us about the image of you dressed up like Superman?

27:00: How can people be their own superhero with your create-a-character program?

30:30: Why do you think travel is so important?

35:25: What kind of exercise do you focus on?

39:00: Why do you encourage people to do yoga in their homes, as opposed to going to a studio?

42:40: What is it about Paleo that works for you?

[bctt tweet=”What a cool way of looking at life! This @Runners_Connect interview with @NerdFitness is awesome!” via=”no”]

Quotes from Steve:

“My journey is long and varied and full of mistakes and comical adventures.”

“Nerd Fitness is the most supportive community on the Internet when it comes to getting people healthy — and we’re also unabashedly nerdy.”

“Instead of living vicariously through a video game character, I wanted to live vicariously through myself.”

“Everyone likes to hear an underdog story. No one wants to hear about the guy who was awesome and got more awesome.”

“There is an over-reliance on motivation and inspiration…. Motivation is fleeting. Building systems and putting discipline in place is what’s going to get you to do the things you want to do.”

“Never miss working out two days in a row.”

“You can have a regular job and regular responsibilities… but there can also be another part of you that does amazing things.”

“You have to leave your  Hobbit hole and you have to go explore if you’re going to have great experiences.”

“A lot of people have emotional challenges with food…. Diet is 80-90% of the battle.”

“I’d like to think that Nerd Fitness Yoga is the most approachable yoga experience people can have.”

“Paleo is a really simple mental model for people to follow to reevaluate their relationship with food.”

“The greatest advice I’ve gotten is: Screw motivation; cultivate discipline.”

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Links and Resources:

Nerd Fitness

Level Up Your Life

Steve on Twitter

Steve on Instagram

Tina’s Blog

Strength training course on Runner’s Connect

Nerd Fitness Yoga

Previous show with Tawnee Prazak

In Defense of the Paleo-ish Diet

Beginner’s Guide to the Paleo Diet

The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

James Clear’s blog

Ramit Sethi’s blog

Zombie’s Run app

Last week’s show with Ellie Greenwood

Enter to win a FREE set of headphones from our sponsor, Jabra

Thank you so much for tuning in. Remember you can always email me if you have any suggestions, feedback, or guests you would like to hear from.

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Next week, we will be talking to Drew Watts, who is my personal strength trainer. Can’t wait to have you back to hear him!

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