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Could These Shoes be What You Need to Run Faster?- Ken Riess

We know you love the science. We know you love diving deep into topics within running where other podcasts and running blogs wont go. We even know most of you are very skeptical of the big companies.

That’s why today we are talking to a professor who completed a research study on a pair of shoes that can increase your running economy, and actually make you run faster.

No. This podcast has not been sponsored by anyone, nor was anyone paid to complete the study, this is just a really interesting study that was completed on a new type of shoe, not made by any of the big guns. If you love hearing about new technologies and advances within the running world, you are going to love this!

We interview scientist Ken Riess who completed a study on a shoe with mechanical springs inside, and found running efficiency improved significantly. If your running economy improves, you can run faster easier, worth a try? We think so!

My guest today is Ken Riess

  • Instructor & researcher in the school of health sciences at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
  • Assistant adjunct professor, faculty of rehabilitation medicine, University of Alberta
  • PhD in rehabilitation medicine
  • Coaches masters athletes in endurance training
  • 2:57 (M) and 10:14 (ironman)

Today Ken and I are going to talk about:

  • What ken learned about kidney and heart transplant patients, and how his findings relate to running
  • How losing his suitcase on his way to the Boston Marathon led to his discovery of a new product, which he then tested in his lab and found shocking results

[bctt tweet=”I’m listening to the @Runners_Connect #RTTP podcast; shoes that could revolutionize the running world! ” via=”no”] Riess.mp3

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Links and Resources mentioned in this Interview:

Ken’s research on mechanical springs in shoes

Spira Shoes

Doug Kurtis Podcast interview

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