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How to Apply an Ancient Meditation Practice to Improve your Running Now: Nita Sweeney

As good as running is for our bodies, it’s probably equally good, if not even more so, for our brains. The mental health benefits of aerobic exercise have been proven over and over again in scientific studies.

On today’s Run to the Top Podcast, we explore the topic of running as a meditation practice with author and runner Nita Sweeney.  You might remember her from being on the show a couple of years ago. Nita’s back with a new book out called Make Every Move a Meditation: Mindful Movement for Mental Health, Well-Being, and Insight.

We talk about:

  • why you might want to incorporate meditation into your running
  • what the benefits are, and
  • exactly how to start doing it on your run right now.

And don’t worry for all of you out there who bristle with anything too new agey or woowoo. You’ll learn how you can actually use some of these techniques to improve your performance, not just your mental health.

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This week’s show brought to you by:

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