The Chicago marathon: one of the 6 marathon majors that almost every marathon runner wants to complete during their running career. One of the fastest, and most recognized marathon races in the world, it is one to watch every year.
Last year, I was given the opportunity to race in it as an elite, and while in the elevator a few days before the race, I met the driving force behind it; race director carey pinkowski. Someone who had so much to do, and has so much responsibility, took the time to talk to a nervous, overwhelmed british woman, to reassure her that she did belong to be there. Carey has been the race director for the Chicago marathon for 26 years, you can only imagine how many people he has met during that time. How many hands he has shaken, yet he is the most down to earth, fun, genuine guy, who loves the city of Chicago, and loves the sport. That moment was one of the highlights of the Chicago marathon weekend for me, and that is one of the reasons I brought him on the podcast for you today, you are going to love him!
Carey Pinkowski
- Inducted into National Distance Running Hall of Fame
- Executive Race Director of the Bank of America Chicago Marathon since 1990
- Responsible for recruiting and developing the world class elite athlete field each year
- Honored in 2001 with the Road Race Management Race Director of the Year Award, presented by the Running Times
What are Carey and I going to talk about today?
- What makes the Chicago marathon so special
- Some of the highlights of the Chicago marathon over the 26 years he has been RD (I didn’t even know half of these!) and his ultimate favorite
- What a day in the life of Carey Pinkowski on the morning of Chicago marathon looks like
- What the Chicago and the other world marathon majors are doing to maintain a drug free sport
- The advice for your first Chicago marathon from the guy who knows it better than anyone else
[bctt tweet=”This @Runners_Connect #podcast about the Chicago Marathon with Carey Pinkowski is worth a listen #rttp” via=”no”] Pinkowski Podcast.mp3
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