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The Most Important Commitments You Can Make are to Yourself- Black Girls Run

Last week, I talked to Trent Morrow; a normal guy who went from needing to lose 70 lbs to being a world-record holder for most marathons run in 7 continents during 2014. (200 to be exact!) If you missed it, be sure to check it out.

Today we’re talking to the founders of Black Girls RUN!, Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks-Rocha. You know how the running community seems a lot more inclusive than it used to be? I think a big part of that is because of these ladies’ effort and what they’ve achieved through BGR.

Toni is a freelance writer for Zelle and provides public relations and marketing consulting to grassroots organizations. Ashley has a Master’s of Science in Communication from Columbia, and has worked as a director, producer and social media, communications manager.

Initially they met while pledging to the same sorority in college. They weren’t runners at the time, but they became interested together, and they’ve inspired each other to keep going and built each other up ever since. They explain how they found other things they enjoyed and made them happy through running, as well.

Do you ever feel lost as a runner? Not included in a running group or that are not good enough to be called a runner yet. Toni and Carey of Black Girls RUN explain why every runner deserves to be celebrated, no matter what background.

Today’s topics include:

  • How Black Girls RUN! started
  • Making commitments to yourself
  • The power of trial and error
  • Welcoming running as a lifestyle
  • Why you should put yourself first
  • How BGR! University works
  • The importance of spousal support and connecting with others

Toni explains that she  chose running because it offers a lot to different people. Whether you’re super competitive, want to get fit, or just want to relax or meditate, it’s so accessible. Looking at the health crisis our country is facing, running and walking are the most accessible forms to eradicate them.

And the great part about running is how addictive it is, because once you start, you don’t stop. It also gives you the confidence to believe in yourself, which is what Black Girls RUN! has achieved in so many women around the globe through their support.

We go into detail talking about how Black Girls RUN! has grown over the years and what their ultimate goal is. The most important part of BGR is it’s longevity and making it sustainable.

Toni and Ashley want it to be a lifestyle that people embrace for years to come, until there would no longer be a need for Black Girls RUN!, because it’s just become a part of our culture and our everyday lives that we work out and stay healthy.

If you’re interested in starting a running group yourself, they explain how to take the initiative to set it up, based on their personal experiences and challenges.

To get in touch ᐧabout starting a running group, please email them at

Links and resources:

Black Girls RUN! Facebook page

Interview with Kathrine Switzer

Interview with Dr. James Maas

The Stiff Stick

“The Nonrunner’s Marathon Guide for Women” by Dawn Dais

Run to the Top podcast page


“For me it was coming to terms with wanting to be at 100% so I could give others 100%.” Toni

“The most important commitments you can make are to yourself.” Toni

“I find that for most women it all comes down to time; we’re so busy taking care of everyone else that we’re the very last person on the list.” Toni

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