Team RunnersConnect has a spectacular weekend as athletes notch 7 Personal Bests

Andre Arseneau ran the Canada Day Run 5k and finished with a time of 23:25.

It was Canada Day! ?? With marathon training I had not run a legit 5 km race in years! I wanted to see where I stood! The route was fairly flat except for a .4 km stretch within seconds of the start that dropped 85 feet (fast first split) and the same section uphill approaching the finish line. The race went well. I was 11 seconds off my PR. I placed 20/232 overall and 4/18 in my age group. I felt quite strong.

Alexandre Fagundes ran the Circuito das Estacoes Winter 5k and finished this distance in the time of 20:51. This was a PR by 26 seconds!

Ok so this was a cycle to enhance my speed. The circuit I chose was not the best for a PR, 2,5km downhill 2,5 km uphill. I arrived an hour earlier, had plenty of time to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately I did a mistake when registering and end up in a slow corral. That meant that I had a hard time passing crowds of people for the first km, exactly the downhill part of the race.

Splitted the race in 3 mile chunks and 200m to the end. When I reached the kind of flat part at 1km (it was never really flat), I was in a 4:13/km pace (plan was to be close to 4:00/km here). So, pushed harder to do a 4:06/km at this first mile. Second mile we had to cross a large bridge, I did kept the planned power and ended up doing in 4:11/km.

The hardest last mile was uphill, but I could see the end, so dig deep into the uncomfortable zone, ended up at 4:18/km. Last 200m were totally uphill, still managed a 4:20/km! I know I could had done better if I was in a better corral, but I still beat 26sec of my PR in a hilly race, I am very pleased with the result!

Thanks for the coaches and the fellow RC runners and all their encouragement that make it easier to keep going!

Steffen Lang ran the Sarstedt 3000m and finished this race in the time of 9:56.

I reached my goal of sub 10 and worked together with RC buddy and teammate Kilian who finished 5s ahead of me!

Kingsley Gibbens ran the Grandmas Marathon and finished with a time of 2:58:00. This was a personal record by 6 Minutes!

I felt like I left a lot out there on the course. At mile 20 my legs were starting to cramp so I had to force myself to slow down. Started to pick up the pace the last mile as best as I could while trying to hold off the cramps. Still happy to get a PR and get under 3 hours to qualify but I know I could have ran much faster if it weren’t for the cramps.

Nick Ferreira ran a Half Marathon race and finished in a time of 1.48, which was a PR by 2 minutes!

Tried to take it easy but ended up with a PR. Perfect conditions. Already a lot of improvement from my time on runnersconnect. Had a great race and can feel even more room for improvement!

Hennie Coetzee ran the Knysa Half Marathon and completed this race event in the time of 1:34:00.

Race plan: 1hr40min, easy running
Race day: lost my running partner in kilometer 1 and thought he was in front of me- so I chased him down! In the end, he fell ill and I was chasing in vain. Had a great race day, now focus on Berlin??

Mihael Lorbeg ran the Night Run Velenje 10k and completed this distance in the time of 0:41:25.

Very hot race. The organizer had to change the course due to some security reasons so they shortened the track for 800m. Anyway I’m not satisified with this run. I seem I can’t break from 4:30 pace.

Catherine Cederqvist ran the NYC Pride Run 5 mile, finishing this distance in the time of 0:48:00.

It was a fun run.

Gloria Pena ran the Hyde Park Blast 4 mile and finished this race event in the time of 0:47:29.

I didn’t know what to expect from this race but I felt strong and in control. It was not a PR but I did finish 1 minute faster that I did last year and in better condition. Did I say that I completed the extra .04 miles at 9:13 pace just for fun?

Carmen Lopez-Acevedo ran the Madrid Triathlon Sprint Marathon with a finishing time of 1:55, which was a PR!

This is the hardest race I have ever done. Due to the extreme temperatures the officials reduced the run segment to 3.8km but the organisation was so bad (huge queues to check in bikes) our start was delayed by an hour so it was 11:18am and the sun was blazing. The swim leg was the best bit, I wasn’t very fast but I finished inside the cut off time by a minute so happy with that. The bike was so hard, really hilly course with no shade at all. The run part was shaded thankfully but I hadn’t taken any fuel. I felt a bit sick by then so took it easy. It was an amazing experience, I conquered my fear of open water swimming and I am looking forward to doing another in normal conditions.

Betsy Turvey ran the Run the Plank 5k and finished with a time of 23:18.

It is quite a large 5k with 940 participants. The results showed I won the female masters as I was first in the females 40 and over but because I am 61, the race director awarded me the Female Grand Master. I wasn’t too happy about that as I felt the Masters was a much greater achievement. I have been awarded the Masters in other races after I turned 60 that had a Grand Master category as well.

Michelle Karwejna ran the Mount Hood Marathon and finished this race event in the time of 4:01:01.

I went into today’s race not knowing what to expect considering my massive PR last Saturday. I’ve also been tired and hungry all week which usually means my body is tapped out. I went to a course strategy session yesterday and I think it really helped me meantlly prepare for the race. In the session they talked about effort level instead of pace. Since the back half of the race is tougher. I just kept focusing on keeping my effort at a level 7 even when the massive inclines started at mile 20! I ended up with a massive PR!

Andy Dilatush ran the 5k @ the LPGA and finished with a time of 27:06.

One second slower than last year.

Danny Herdoiza ran the Mount Hood Marathon and finished this race in the time of 3:48. This was a new personal record by 10 minutes!

Yes. It is my QB time ! Thanks thanks !

Carol Campbell ran the Never Run Alone 5k/Etowah Park and finished in 29:14, which was a PR by 15 seconds!

The weather was hot and humid; I was not expecting to feel good enough to PR. It was a small event but I was still happy to get first place in my AG. The course was beautiful and the other participants were fun to chat with. It was a lot of fun to be able to pass runners in the last mile.

Therese Smalley ran the Rocky River Run 10k and finished in a time of 1:12:00. This was a personal record by 5 minutes!

I found this really hard from the 8km mark but it was my tempo pace for the whole race so I should be happy. I had a bad nights sleep before which probably didn’t help my mental game. I think I psyched myself out as the race went on by thinking that if this race is tough, how in the world am I going to do a half marathon in 4 weeks time. I have to trust the training plan I know.

Ian Spencer ran the Maidenhead 5k and finished this race in the time of 23:27.

This was a Club Championship race for my club the Datchet Dashers and is one of a series of 5k races in the Thames Valley. I gave it my best shot and felt quite strong.

Bill Keefe ran the BA Events Summer Race Series_July 5k and finished this distance in the time of 22:56.

This was just a tune-up race. Helped to see where I am in training and what I have to work on.

Peter Orser ran the Epic Canadian 10k with a finishing time of 0:47:35.

Happy Canada Day to all the Canadian RC runners !!!!!???? 1st 10k in 6yrs. Excited after starting running again last fall and completing 2 half marathons to see where I stood fitness wise heading into my training for Fall Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

Course is half on road first half and second half mostly on a crushed gravel trail. Glad to have the RC 10k race strategy article to use for plan. Hard to go out easy with all the excitement but managed to keep under control knowing 2nd tough mile coming.

2nd mile is all uphill with 106’ climb. Like race strategy says 4th and 5th are tough miles that battle your inner demons that make you want to slow down or stop. Pushed through that and was excited to see the 8k sign. Ok I’m going to survive I thought and am going to finish strong. Ran 6th mile 7:33 and last 1/4 in 6:27.

Came 3rd for my age group as a rookie to the 50-59 category ? I have never placed in a running race in my life so this is a pretty fun thing to have done. Overall really happy with my effort and race!

Karen Casko ran the Queens 10k and finished with a time of 1:10:20.

I was happy with my results at the NYC Half (my debut RC goal race), immediately after which I oriented my mind towards the NYC Marathon in November. When I requested a new schedule, indicating that as my next goal race, the wise coaches here advised that that was a bit far out to set as a goal, and after a little back and forth, this race emerged as a good next “goal” race.

I never quite got my heart in to this as a goal race – I kept saying it’s my “goal” race, but not really my GOAL race. I’m a big fan of boats. So I decided, in the eleventh hour, that Queens wasn’t my goal race at all, it was my ferry ride to the start of my marathon training, which helped me go in to race day without lugging a bunch of unnecessary baggage.

What I did bring in to race day was the goal of finishing with a time that would advance my NYRR corral status. The run itself was hard, and annoying at times. Though the course is generally flat, there are some overpasses, and on one of them late in the game, I took an extra walk interval on the (pretty steep) uphill.

With roughly two miles to go, chatter amongst my crew turned towards the inspirational. My hands down favorite moment of the race was somewhere approaching the 6 mile mark with one of the races many twists and turns where you could see runners not right in your place in the field and I had a moment of euphoria. I was in good position, that I had about a minute and a half cushion to finish in time, so crossing the line I figured I had achieved what I had set out to do, and before I could even check, we had a message from Bjorg saying that I had. Yay!

Overall, I felt generally good. My glutes were a bit sore but really nothing else suffered terribly. At then end of the day, I don’t really know that I love racing, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see the value in doing it every now and again, and feeling happy that I did. I also had a change of heart, thanks to something one of the coaches here said to someone, about the value in the training for an intermediate goal being in the training for it, not the racing of it. I can see now the diagnostic value of seeing what happens when you do capital r Race – using that information to help build the training plan for the next big event.

So overall, despite a fair amount of pouting along the way, I’d say it was a great experience. Of course I’m happy about the outcome, but what’s far more precious to me was the experience of seeing how willing my friends were to be on my side the whole way through. At the great big bearhug I felt the whole way through is the best ending I could have possibly hoped for. So thanks, peeps. Y’all are the bestest.

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