Collin Sakuma ran the Collin’s Inaugural Half 2020 and finished with a time of 3:01:59.
Due to the fact that the full real Honolulu Marathon was canceled and gone virtual I decided to just do a Half by myself. 2020 says it all. I got through it and hopefully next year there will be a regular and NOT Virtual HNL Marathon. Good start, left ankle and A-Tendon started barking at about 2.5 miles so slowed it down a bit and decreased gait. Did good till about 10 miles then a bit rough after that but got it done. Left calf and ham felt like it was beginning to cramp at about mile 11 but not major.
Thank you to Runner’s Connect Program as I did all the runs and did not get a big injury as in the past. There were aches and pains in my left and ankle, achelies and right hip but nothing major. Mahalo very much, it is appreciated.
Knut Ostby ran the Hot Cocoa Virtual 10K and finished this distance in the time of 51:47, which was a PR!
Tired but very happy with the result. Came in below my target time of 53 min – many thanks to RC for training program and coaching. The route had a couple of significant uphill parts, in particular approx 1000m uphill at around 3K. But overall more down than up so I had a chance to recover after each uphill part. I guess this shows in the uneven splits. Also road conditions were snowy which added a little challenge. The last 2K I was quite exhausted so I tried to concentrate on maintaining a good speed rather than speeding up and I see on the splits that that worked. Re my shin splints the advice to “power through” worked well. Overall great to have done this run!😃 Thanks again for help and support from training buddies Heidi and Marie, and thanks to RC for your help.
Mario Avalos ran the CA-2 Half Marathon with a finishing time of 1:32:00. This was a personal record by 3 minutes!
I did it! After 15 days since my tune up race were I was kind of disappointed, I got this perfect race for me! I finished strong and I’m ready for more. I had this feeling I could give a little more.