Team RunnersConnect has a spectacular weekend with 4 Personal Bests leading the way

Justene Adamec ran the Disneyland 10k and finished this distance in the time of 1:34:42.

So… it was amazing. I got to run through California Adventure and Disneyland. The second half was slightly faster than the first but my pace was close to even throughout. My running form was particularly good. No overstriding at all.

Nicole Sailors ran the Chevron Houston Marathon and finished with a time of 3:19:48, which was a PR!

I snagged my BQ goal with a 15+ minute buffer! My knee felt great and it was a perfect day for a race! My last gel wouldn’t open so the last 2 miles were a little rough. Even so, I still ran a negative split race which was also a goal! I’m so grateful for my health and to be able to run this race. I felt really well prepared. Thank you coaches!

Jason Lakes ran the Houston Marathon and finished this race in the time of 3:38:32.

I will not bury the lead as this a very disappointing result. I am not sure if it just was not my day. the fact I had to fight a 10-20 NNW wind from basically mile 8-18, or my fitness is just not where I think it is. While I will do my normal negatives and positives – the one thing I can say on this post is while the time was literally a minute/mile slower than my target pace, I did go full send and left everything on the course today – so while the time was worse than Chicago, the effort was everything I had in the tank and then some.

The biggest negative is obviously the time. My legs started feeling sluggish around mile 4 and I never could run through it. At 35K, they basically just stopped with any kind of turnover, Cardio wise, I feel like I had more cardio wise, but the legs were just done at mile 23.

Another negative (and maybe a positive in a way) is I kind of knew from an RPE perspective, I was pushing too hard from mile 8 to 18 heading directly into the wind as the course winds north, west, and northwest. The mantra this training block was full send, so I went with full send.

The last negative, and this happened in my last wheels feel off race is the 3:20 group passed me and I kind of went to a dark place mentally. I will say, in this case, I rallied a little better and kept as well as finished running – and even found 8 minute pace the last 800-1200 meters.

On the positives, in addition to rallying the last mile (as noted above), I did good job of fighting the wind mentally – I kept mentally finding landmarks I know from running the course and told myself to just make it to that landmark and then as I noted, just make it to the turn. Maybe it was to my detriment eventually, but it helped me stay mentally engaged and I did a nice job of chunking the race through those tough miles, I even did a nice job until 35K 22/23 miles.

I also felt like, even though I hit the wall, I did an okay job with nutrition and gels every 4 miles. If you believe Garmin, I increased my max HR during the race. I like to think that is a result of a really quality block I had going into race day.

That’s another positive – I had a great training block and felt good going in, that fitness does not go away. And, I have zero doubt that I gave everything I had today and left every last bit of energy on the course. I am also going to hang my hat on this – in 2022, I ran 3:14 and was 89/526 in AG; today I ran 24 minutes slower at 3:38 and was 148/597, so even though I was 24 minutes slower, I only dropped 70 places. That same 3:14 would have been nearly top 40 for AG…

Lastly, I did this for a charity (ALS) and it looks like me and the other runners raised nearly $25K. In the grand schemes, that is a positive to end on along with my hunger to keep working.

Today I am grateful for the health, race organizers, and volunteers to give me a chance to see what I could do, It was not what I wanted, but that’s the allure of a marathon – it owes you nothing and you never know what the day will bring you.

Splits – 5 K – 7:43
10 K – 7:30
15 K – 7:30 (this is where we turned north/into the wind)
20 K – 7:39
Half – 7:48 (hit it at 1:39)
25 K – 7:42
30 K – 7:51 (finally turned to a cross wind)
35 K – 8:00
40 K – 11:50
Finish – 10:34
Overall – 8:21

Courtney Mcclurkin ran the Aramco Houston Half Marathon and finished in a time of 1:58:38.

This race went really well! My goal was to get sub-2 hours, which I have not gotten in TEN years, since starting podiatry school, going through residency, moving to Texas and starting working… this was BIG for me. I’m basically back to where I was in my late 20’s, when I was in the best shape of my life. It was a great race day because the weather was so cold (38 F at the start). By my own watch, I got 1:56:51, and my real PR from back in the day is 1:54. Super happy! Thank you guys!

Mario Ortiz ran the Houston Marathon with a finishing time of 3:22:28. This was a new personal record by 6:48.

Amazing day today! Smashed not only my marathon PR by nearly 7 minutes, but also my half marathon PR as I ran for the first time under 1h 40m during the second half (1:38:37). As per coaches recommendation, started really slow, which was ok because of the 10-20 mph winds, so I did not want to expend the extra energy at the start given these conditions and pay the high price at the end. By the half way point I felt just great so I thought I could push the pace, which I manage to do until the very end. In addition to the PR, I got a BQ time for the first time in my life. This training block was great, and I also think it was also my day. Thank you coaches!

Janelle The ran the Disneyland Half Marathon and finished this race event in the time of 2:12:52.

I crushed my postpartum PR by 90 seconds!

Unfortunately, I missed my PR (from 2013) by 22 seconds. According to my watch I was going to easily PR but when I crossed the finish line I realized I missed it. This is only my second half in the 2:12s and I NEVER thought I could run this pace again after having two kids.

This was definitely the best race I’ve ever run, in terms of mental and physical toughness. I pushed myself to new limited! I know the PR is coming 👏🏼

There is no way I could’ve gotten back to this level without Runners Connect 😍

Jorge Cruz-aedo ran the Houston Half Marathon and finished with a time of 2:07:09.

Started out conservative and on race pace. Broke the race down into 4 mile segments and increased each segments pace by 15 secs per mile. This was a little more aggressive than the original strategy but weather was perfect and I was feeling great. Last mile was the fastest and finished feeling great. Ready for the next one and try to continue to bring time down. Originally I though this was a PR because I thought it was 2:08 and change but I looked it up and it is 2:06:52 lol. Definitely could have got that but a PR was never really the goal for this race. Just happy that I am back in the range I was at in 2017 when that PR was set. I will say that this race felt like the easiest race I’ve ever done I think partially due to the weather which was perfect but also the base I have built over the last 6 months with RC.

Deidra P ran the LOUISIANA Marathon and finished this race in the time of 4:50:12.

This is my slowest marathon ever, but I am undeterred. The journey along the comeback trail continues. It was a beautiful day to run around 30 at the start and 50 at the finish. The Louisiana Marathon has terrific organization, and it is a beautiful course from downtown thru the university into suburbia then return downtown. It may not sound like much, but the course is flat and pretty, and not surprisingly, it has the best crowds. Along nearly the entire course were families with homemade water-stops and yard-parties, school teams, and supporters — with signs and costumes cheering us to the finish. If I had been running fast or in less pain, I probably would not have appreciated all of the encouragement.

Marcelle Gautreaux ran the Fitually Marathon and finished in a time of 5:00:00.

I have trained for this race four times. I had IT band injuries during training twice and had to defer. The third time I trained but came down with Covid on race weekend. I was determined to run this race. I trained hard and felt great, surprisingly without any IT band pain! My 20 miler was the best one yet.

On race morning I was so disappointed when I grabbed my hydration vest and found it was soaked and leaking. I knew I would simply have to walk each water station and drink at two cups of water. My pace felt great and I managed to keep it between 10:30-10:55 for the most part.

However at mile 18 my right knee started to throb and I couldn’t run it without limping. I had to throw pacing out the window and run/walk based solely on my IT band. My husband and 4 kids were waiting for me at mile 22. This made me cry with happiness, because although this is my 6th marathon, our kids have never seen me run one. After seeing my family I tried to push even harder and managed to settle into a pace around 11:20, but at the last mile I was able to pick up a little more speed to charge the last stretch at a 9:10 pace. My legs felt strong and I never hit a wall.

I’d hoped for an official sub-5 finish, and paused my watch at 26.2 so I could see what I did, but I technically ran 26.4 in exactly 5:00:00. To experience it all and finish strong. I proud of the effort I put forth and the perseverance despite pain for the last 8 miles. As an added bonus I finally found race nutrition that doesn’t give me any issues. That’s a first!

Terrie Ebert ran the Houston Marathon and completed this race event in the time of 3:58:20, which was a PR!

Finally!! Finished under 4 hrs, a PB, and a BQ So incredibly happy and grateful! I was so sick the week before I almost called it off on that Wednesday, but made a trip to the doctor, got some meds, and prayed for the best. Saturday woke up definitely feeling better than I had all week, and it gave me hope! I had to use an inhaler before the race, cold air was not helping my bronchitis any, but once I started running I only had a few coughing spells. Really focused on hydrating through out and being consistent with my gels every 5 mi. I honestly didn’t know if I could break 4 hours, but I felt I could get BQ which had moved to a 4:05 when I turned 55 last August.

I told myself just stay in 9:00-9:15 range and we will see what happens. I have never stayed that consistent in a marathon before. Typically I always struggle the back half and either bonk, cramp, slow down and even had a fall before. Sunday was DIFFERENT! I just felt it. My spirit, my pace, my mind was just in a good place. I didn’t stop any other time which was also a first for me in a marathon…I didn’t walk at all!

By mile 20 I absolutely made up my mind this was the day…I was GOING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN! By mile 23 I knew I would break 4, just didn’t know by how much. I didn’t even look at that point I just enjoyed the spectators (who were amazing!) and RAN! I’m so thankful and truly grateful for such a special day. I know 3:58 isn’t like a world record pace or anything lol, but it is truly special to me. I came in 6:40 over BQ time for age so hoping it will be enough for 2025🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Looking forward to the miles ahead! ❤️Run blessed

Neal Mcmahon ran the Tokyo Half Marathon and finished with a time of 1:30:02. This was a personal record by 32 seconds!

It was a good run. A little head wind to deal with at times but temps were perfect. I wanted to break 1:30 but finished at 2 seconds off my goal, but still a 32 second half PR. Kicking myself that I had to stop in the last mile to retrieve an ear pod that fell out. Always the little things. But the race gave me confidence entering the meat of Tokyo training. Let’s try to PR again on March 3rd.

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