1 Personal Best and several great finishes highlight the weekend of races for Team RunnersConnect

Razvan Pop ran the Gerar 2.3 2025 10k and finished this distance in the time of 45:22.

Somehow in line with expectations (but not with current target of 3:50/km). It was an asphalt night run, with kind of enough rolling curves and a small slope at 1 point (total positive diff level 50m in 3 laps).

Got 2 minutes better than in 2023 on the same race, but at that time weather was more rough, rainy and slippery. 2023 – 4:23/min, 2025 – 4:14/min. Weather was almost perfect, 6C and dry. General target of 3:50 expected to reach this spring aiming at it in April.

Robin Whitley ran the Manhattan 10k and finished with a time of 1:26:22.

The feels like temp was 9F at the start. My average HR was high. My fastest mile in a year (mile 5) since I last ran this course – 12:13 according to Garmin and I was about 1:49 faster than a year ago (it was 30F in 2024). I can still feel my glute and it seems to mess with my right hamstring a bit too. It was nice to have a race where my feet and insoles did not hate each other.

Christina Kach ran the Disneyland Ahsoka 10K and finished this race in the time of 54:04. This was a PR by 40 Seconds!

A very earned not given 10K. I had to work for it. Even running this course twice before, I forgot how not-straight it is. I had +.19 over 6.2 and that was with trying to go straight. I had some serious self doubt in mile 4. I’m not sure what revived me at the mile 4 marker (my gel from mile 2 hitting? The atmosphere?) but I took off again. Really tackled that hill at mile 5.5 and quickly snapping back into determined pace pushing at the top of it. Knowing that I’d hit a PR, I slowed down slightly at the finish line so I could enjoy that feeling of FINALLY (it feels like forever) getting that 10K PR. I ended up with an amazing finish line photo with a HUGE smile.

Christina Kach ran the Disneyland Adventure 13.1 Half Marathon with a finishing time of 2:04:37.

It was my 19th half marathon and my 4th fastest…. Went FULLY off the pace plan when I got off the start line. I decided since only miles 3 and 4 were going to be the fun “in park’ miles, I would go fast to get there. Mile 3 ended up being really fast too because the atmosphere was so alive and electric. Then, just after hitting mile marker 3 – fun stuff! I stopped for 5 photos during mile 4 a total “idle” time of 2 minutes and worth it, I was just grinning ear to ear. Then we exited the parks at mile marker 4. I held steady through to mile 9 – then was bored of all the streets and ready to get to that finish line, so sped up to 9:15 and faster. I fueled well throughout. And felt some of the best at a half marathon finish line than I ever have. Nice.

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