Runner’s Calorie CalculatorFinally, you can easily calculate how many calories you burn while running

This calorie calculator will help you analyze the amount of calories you burn each day so you can better target your nutrition needs.

At the most basic level, losing weight is about taking in or eating less calories than you burn each day. With this calculator, you’ll have a better understanding of just how many extra calories you can or should consume given your run distance each day.

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Runner’s Calorie Calculator

(no seconds)


“Typical” Recommended Runner’s diet

Recommended Calorie intake 2060 Calories
294 grams of carbohydrate
41 grams of fat
129 grams of protein

Diet to Prevent or Recover From Overtraining

Recommended Calorie intake 2360 Calories
336 grams of carbohydrate
47 grams of fat
147 grams of protein

Recommendation for Losing Weight

Recommended Calorie intake 1660 Calories
237 grams of carbohydrate
33 grams of fat
104 grams of protein

Carbo-loading: 3-14 days before race

Recommended Calorie intake 2060 Calories
324 grams of carbohydrate
34 grams of fat
113 grams of protein

Carbo-loading: 0-3 days before race

Recommended Calorie intake 2060 Calories
335 grams of carbohydrate
34 grams of fat
103 grams of protein

The first number generated for you, “Calories burned without running” is the amount of calories you burn by just performing daily functions. Simply speaking, this is the amount of calories you would need to eat to maintain your current weight and energy levels when doing nothing but eating, sleeping, and a slight bit of walking around.

The second number generated for you is the neat number, which is the number of calories you burned on during the run. By taking into account your weight, distance, and pace, we you can get an accurate measurement of the total calories you’ve bur