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Why You Need to Believe You are Good Enough- Dr. Stan Beecham

I have always been fascinated with the minds of runners. At one point in my life I even looked into becoming a sports psychologist. Today, I had the opportunity to ask those questions I have always wondered with a well known sports psychologist, who has studied distance runners in detail, and has come to some fascinating conclusions on why we act the way we do. You are going to learn so much in this interview, and it will make you change your whole outlook on life, especially if you want to be successful, and get the most out of your running goals.

The mental aspect of running is just as important if not more so than training the body to run well. Dr Stan Beecham shares his tips and tricks for runners.

My guest today is Dr. Stan Beecham

  • Started as Sport Psychologist and Leadership Consultant based in Roswell, Georgia.
  • Beecham started the Sport Psychology Program for the Athletic Department at UGA, he helped UGA win numerous individual and team championships.
  • Now works with collegiate, Olympic and Professional athletes, and in 2013 brought out his award winning book Elite Minds, talk about today
  • world-class speaker with a focus on helping athletes and corporations perform to the best of their ability

Today Dr. Stan and I are going to talk about:

  • Why curiosity and openness could be the keys to success in your running and life
  • Why we need to get back to being human beings instead of human doings
  • Why you need to let go of some of the control in your life, and how this will change your perspective on injuries to view them as a gift
  • Why you need to change the way you treat yourself, and how self belief will lead to the result you have always dreamed of

I am ready to dive into my crazy, are you? Lets meet Dr Stan

[bctt tweet=”I am listening to @Runners_Connect talk strategies with sports psychologist @StanBeecham on the #RTTP” via=”no”] Stan Beecham.mp3

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Links and Resources mentioned in this Interview:

Elite Minds Book

Dr Stan Beecham website

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