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Are You a Strength Training Baby?- Drew Watts

Today I’m speaking with my own trainer, Drew Watts. I sometimes hesitate to talk too much about myself, but Drew has been so helpful to me in the course of my journey, and he has some great insight on topics such as running form and strength training.

Drew started training in 1999, and he helps people from athletes to “weekend warriors” move more efficiently and feel their best. He creates individualized training plans based on client needs.

Strength training is no longer just for weightlifters. It will mean runners stay safe from injuries, run faster, and get stronger (without getting big). Elite runner strength coach Drew Watts explains how to do it right.

In today’s podcast, you’ll hear about topics such as:

  • How Drew and I started working together
  • Common problems with people’s posture when running
  • Why hamstring injuries are so common
  • Why runners need to work on their upper body strength
  • How to breathe, and why it’s so important
  • How often and at what intensity most people should work out
  • The benefits of high-weight, low-rep workouts
  • The best advice Drew’s ever received and what he likes to eat before training

Questions Drew is asked:

3:20: What did you think of me when I first approached you about running?

6:45: What did we begin with when it came to my overstriding?

12:00: Would you recommend that everyone start out with strength training?

14:45: Why do runners need arm and upper body strength?

18:50: Can you explain the difference between leaning in your hips and leaning in your shoulders?

22:00: When it comes to form and breathing, what’s your advice to people who don’t have a professional trainer?

25:00: When should strength training be done?

32:35: How many times per week should people train, and what’s your advice to people who are busy with work and family obligations?

34:30: How long of a duration should people train for?

36:40: Why is it important to focus on just a few exercises and take breaks?

38:55: Why is a high-weight, low-rep workout beneficial?

45:40: How can someone balance good form with high weights?

48:55: What kind of exercises should marathon runners focus on?

53:55: What’s the theory behind the pushing of the sled and other nontraditional exercises?

58:28: (asked by a listener) What is Tina’s secret?

[bctt tweet=”Strength training is a HUGE part of staying healthy and running well” username=”Runners_Connect”]

Quotes from Drew:

“I thought that runners were kind of nuts.”

“Many times, people, due to postural position, don’t involve their glutes as much as they should…. You’ll see sprinters holding their hamstrings.”

“Runners tend to have a very young training age when it comes to strength work.”

“Every exercise program should begin by making sure you have control of your breathing…. This sets the stage for what the rest of your body can or cannot do.”

“Is your belly rising, or is your chest rising [during breathing]? That’s the place to start.”

“Any time you’ve been running hard, your form starts to break down. That’s an inevitable part of it. The same thing will happen in the gym. If you’ve been working at maximum intensity, toward the end of the workout, your body will tend to fall into its old ways or bad habits.”

“Training two days per week is pretty good. If you can only get to the gym once per week, there are lots of exercises you can do at home.”

“We are conditioned to go go go go go, but we have to slow down a little bit and breathe.”

“Maximum strength is at one end of the spectrum, and maximum speed is at the other…. The happy place, which is somewhere in the middle, makes you a better athlete.”

“In training, we should never sacrifice good technique just to put another rep on the board.”

“Every person, athlete to mathlete or desk jockey, should have similar movement capabilities. How we load that… is where we either make it or break it.”

“Runners tend to take things to an extreme. I think it’s good to an extent, but you need to know when to apply the brakes.”

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Links and Resources:

Mobility Exercises (Warm Up 1)

Mobility Exercises (Warm Up 2)

Runners Connect Strength Training Course

For a sample strength training workout email Tina

Drew’s email

Drew’s website

Drew on Facebook

Drew on Twitter

Tina’s blog

Last week’s episode with Steve Kamb 

Previous show with Max Prokopy

Todd Nieder (DNS)

Kinetic Revolution

Email for exercises put together by Drew

UVA Speed Clinic

Anatomy Trains

Never Let Go

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Can I ask you a HUGE favor please? Would you be able to review the podcast on iTunes to help Run to the Top move up the rankings… we can bring on more of those running celebrities and influencers?

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Thank you SO much!

Next week, we will be talking to Ted Jaleta, who went from being a refugee from Ethiopia to excelling as an athlete, a motivational speaker, and even a candidate in Saskatchewan! You won’t wanna miss this!

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