The Boston Marathon Training Guide is the ultimate resource for conquering the Boston Marathon course.

If you're racing Boston with the goal of recording a PR or running your best time, knowing how to target your training specifically to the demands of the course is essential. You need to prepare your legs for the demanding hills, develop your patience for the early miles, and prepare for the quad-pounding downhill finish.

This guide will ensure you have everything you need for a PR performance!

10 tips for hills of Boston
10 Tips to Tame the Hills of Boston

Some runners manage to sail over the climbs and dips between Hopkinton and Copley Square with remarkable success, even on their first try. Those who do are the ones who come prepared. Here are my ten tips (learned the hard way) to prepare for taming the hills of Boston.

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Guide To Running Downhill
Guide To Running Downhill

The downhill sections of Boston can be just as dangerous as the uphills. Making sure your body is prepared for them can make a huge difference on race day. We show you how to be ready for the downhills of Boston, even if you do not live near hills!

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Boston Marathon Pacing Calculator
Boston Marathon Pacing Calculator

The Boston Marathon Pace Calculator will help you establish the perfect target race pace over the fabled Boston Marathon hills. The pace calculator will help ensure that all of your hard training for race day isn't wasted with a poor race strategy.

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4 Key Workouts to Prepare for the Boston Marathon Course
4 Key Workouts to Prepare for the Boston Marathon Course

This article outlines the course-specific training and the 4 key workouts you need to perform in training to run your best at the Boston Marathon

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How to Train for and Race the Boston Marathon Course
Interview: How to Train for and Race the Boston Marathon Course

Former BAA coach Terry Shea shares with us the secrets of the Boston marathon course and how to tailor your training to prepare your body for race day.

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Interview with Boston Marathon Race Director, Dave McGillivray
Interview with Boston Marathon Race Director, Dave McGillivray

We interview Boston Marathon race director, Dave McGillivray to hear his inspiring story, and learn how the Boston Marathon became as big as it did.

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Here's What You'll Learn in this Course

Take a look at what you'll learn and how it will guarantee you start to see real results from your training. Train smarter. Avoid injuries. Run faster...

Lesson 1: Basic Principles

An outline of the important workouts and definitions you need to know before we can talk about specific workouts and plans

Lesson 2:Marathon Training Theory

An in-depth lesson on the specific physiological demands of the marathon distance and how to target them in training for optimal results.

Lesson 3: Long Runs

Discussion on marathon long runs. Including how long they need to be, how to structure them, how to reduce injury and how to get the most bang for your miles.

Lesson 4: Specific Workouts

Learn the 4 critical workouts needed for an awesome marathon, why they work, and exactly how to perform.

Lesson 5: How to Structure Your Plan

We'll delve deep into how each week is structured including when to schedule workouts and give you a glimpse at a real schedule.

Lesson 6: Taper Time

An in-depth look at how to execute in the final few weeks of training, what to watch our for, and how to be primed to run your best on race day.

Lesson 7: Race Plan

You'll get a mile-by-mile race plan with specific instructions and paces to ensure you make the most of your training on race day.

Lesson 8: Case Studies

See the plan in action. Case studies to give you concrete examples of how the training works and how to put it together.

Custom Marathon Training Schedules

If this FREE guide doesn't help you design a schedule that fits your goals, experience level, or training requirements, check out our custom training plans. Not only do you get a marathon training schedule written just for you, but we provide the coaching and support you need! Get specific instructions for each workout, including why and how to execute. Plus, access to our expert team of coaches to get feedback, answer your questions, and help you adjust your schedule if needed.
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