How Applied Kinesiology Can Heal You: Dr. Eugene Charles

Dr. Eugene Charles – The Journey To Healing With Applied Kinesiology

Dr. Eugene Charles experienced a sports injury in his teens that ended any athletic dreams he had. No one was able to diagnose the reason for his shoulder pain and after years of looking into and studying the problem he was no closer to a remedy.

A life changing experience

Fortunately, Dr. George Goodheart had discovered a system of using movement and muscle testing to diagnose and treat health problems. Dr. Goodheart was giving a seminar nearby and after listening to this very knowledgeable man, Gene approached him about his shoulder. From watching him move and testing a few muscles, Dr. Goodheart immediately uncovered the underlying cause of pain, and in a few months it was completely healed. It changed Dr. Charles’ life.

A holistic, non-invasive approach

Journey to Healing is a book written by Dr. Eugene Charles about Applied Kinesiology that combines an integrative system and a holistic approach to health and healing. In this episode, Dr. Charles shares his knowledge and personal experience, along with that of thousands of patients dealing with injuries and issues that plague runners, and other people experiencing pain. From the head to the toes; the back to the front, one side to the other, we will hear examples and science relating to this holistic, non-invasive approach to healing and staying healthy. 

Questions Dr. Charles is asked:

2:47 First Four:

  1. Are you a runner and, if so, when did you start?
  2. Where were you born?
  3. Where do you live now?

3:42 What personal experience led you to Applied Kinesiology (AK)?

6:22 What is your professional background?

9:13 What exactly is AK and Functional Muscle Testing?

11:24 How does testing muscle provide diagnostic information?

14:24 How do you know where the source of the condition lies?

17:57 Is it like Alex Hutchinson says that everything has a ‘brain’?

20:43 How did AK and Chiropractic broke the barrier into the US Olympic support team?

26:54 Why does muscle dysfunction only appear in an ‘active running pattern’?

29:13 What part does nutrition play in AK and runners?

32:10 Why are walking and running ‘neurological tonics’?

35:44 What’s the difference between the ‘physiological’ and the ‘physical’?

38:43 Is AK just another tool in the toolbox?

39:46 Is AK covered by insurance?

40:26 How can we find AK Dr.’s?

42:20 How can Dr.’s learn AK?

43:25 Why, as Hypocrates said, is it more important to know the person who has a disease than the disease a person has?

45:22 Any final thoughts?

46:32 How do you integrate with specialists?

47:07 Final Kick Round: 

  1. What is your favorite local training run (location, starting point, parking, distance, terrain and safety issues)?
  2. Recommended book(s)? 
  3. Who or what would you like to have featured on the Run To The Top podcast?

Quotes by Dr. Eugene Charles:

“I don’t feel our skills and our records and our running times should decrease as we get older if everything is working properly.”

“In Applied Kinesiology, we’ve learned that muscles correlate to different organs, neurologically speaking.”

“Range of motion is a function of the nervous system, not the muscular system.”

“Walking is called a cross-crawl mechanism and is an incredible tonic for the body.”

“There’s been enough studies out there in the medical literature that even 30 minutes of brisk walking every day is as good for you as quitting smoking.”

“You have to get to know the person, because 10 different people with low-back pain can come in your office and they may require 10 different treatments.”


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Mentioned in this podcast: 

Run To The Top Winners Circle Facebook Community

RunnersConnect Facebook page

Book: Journey to Healing by Dr. Eugene Charles

Alex Hutchinson on Run To The Top

Dr. George Goodheart

Benefits of Cross Crawl Exercises

Sports Illustrated article: THE GOOD HANDS MAN

Ida Rolf

Janet Travell

International College of Applied Kinesiology

International College of Applied Kinesiology U.S.A.

Running in Central Park, New York, NY

Book: Anatomy Trains by Thomas Myers

Phil Maffetone


Follow Dr. Charles on:

Dr. Eugene Charles’ Website


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