Join us for our FREE Master Class on the 3 most critical elements of half marathon success and how you can specifically target these essential physiological factors in training to ensure your CRUSH your next race!
I'll see you there!
Coach Jeff
Jeff explains training in a way that no other has ever done. Simple, exact, and actionable. Love it!- Michael Vaknin
Just did a free webinar with RunnersConnect on common marathon mistakes: WOW. 90 minutes jammed packed with amazing content! I've read a lot of training books and these theories and explanations make so much sense. - Jolene Hallas
Thank you Jeff for such an awesome webinar. I've completely changed my thoughts on my upcoming marathon thanks to you. Your ideas make so much sense and really explain why I keep bonking at mile 18- Ricky Hollis
As usual, Jeff and the RunnersConnect team goes beyond all the simplistic advice you normally find in magazines and backs up all theories with research and pratical examples. - Brian Connors
Makes so much sense and amazing this information isn't available elsewhere. More importantly, highly actionable advice!- Jackie Hultz