How a 5k or 10k Training Plan is Structured

We Helped 965 Runners Record New Personal Bests From 5k to the Marathon in 2019

See the Difference a custom plan with everything you need can make.
Let us help YOU stay healthy, run faster and reach your potential

Both options are $29/month

The monthly membership is best for runners who run multiple races per year and are looking for long-term improvement from race to race. The one-time option is best for those who want training for one specific race.

Customized Training Plan

Personalized training schedule with workouts custom designed for your age, experience level, goals and injury-history.

Nutrition Guidance

From finding the right diet for you to sample meal plans for losing weight and optimizing recovery.

Plan that Adapts to Your Progress

Your schedule adjusts automatically based on the data from your logged workouts. That means your paces will always be your physiological optimum and workouts will always be adapted to your progress.

Injury Prevention & Treatment

Schedule adjustments if you start to feel an injury. Plus full treatment, rehab cross training and injury prevention plans built into your schedule when needed so you don't lose progress and know exactly what to do each day.

Strength Workouts Built Into Your Training

Strength, cross training and stretching built into your schedule and customized to your race distance, age and injury-history.

Guidance and Explanations for Every Workout

Exact training paces for every workout with the scientific explanation for why we're doing that specific workout and how to execute.

Unlimited Schedule Adjustments

Ongoing schedule adjustments based on your progress throughout the plan, tune-up races, and weekly schedule changes (like travel, work or family).

Train With Your Favorite Watch or App

Our plans directly export your workouts to your favorite devices (such as Garmin) and run tracking phone apps so you have your exact workout, paces and instructions while you're running.

Plus These Limited-Time, Exclusive Bonuses​

Custom Race Day Fueling Plan

Tired of hitting the wall during the half, marathon or ultra? We provide you with a step-by-step formula to calculate your exact fueling, hydration and electrolyte needs and then help you develop an individualized race nutrition plan that tells you exactly how much, when and what products to eat and drink during the race to avoid the dreaded bonk.

Mind Training For Runners

This exclusive bonus course will show you how to set proper goals, overcome obstacles in training, how to race plan, push yourself to the limit when needed and, more importantly, give you an actionable plan of action rather than just fluff.

Weekly Coaching Calls

Meet your teammates and coaches on our weekly Zoom calls. You can ask your questions and review your training. Calls are optional and you'll be able to submit questions ahead of time and watch recorded versions if you can't make it live.

Choose The Plan That Works for You

Both options are $29/month

Billed either monthly (cancel anytime) or one-time (billed at once) 

The monthly membership is best for runners who run multiple races per year and are looking for long-term improvement from race to race. The one-time option is best for those who want training for one specific race.

Hi, we’re the team at RunnersConnect

Here’s how we can help you

We’ve been coaching runners since 2009, one of the first companies to actually start “online coaching for runners”.

We started because we saw a lot of runners struggling to improve using “template plans” or even purchased plans that were really just a styled PDF and generalized for anyone.

Runners like you want, and should have, a training plan that takes into account your age and training history, adapts based on how you progress, and can adjust when “life” happens.

We believe these are critical to your long-term progression and success as well. It’s one of our fundamental pillars – no one-size training plan fits all.

Throughout our years of coaching, we’ve learned a lot about what works, what doesn’t, and which successes for we’ve had for our athletes can be duplicated. We’re excited to pass on all our knowledge to you!

What started as emailing excel sheets back and forth to our athletes has now become one of the most robust, running-specific training and coaching platforms based on athlete feedback, such as including explanations for the “why” of every workout, adding custom, race-specific strength exercises directly into your schedule, and including nutrition and injury information as part of your training plan.

We’re ready to help you become a fitter, faster runner and crush your next race (and beyond)!

What Type of Runner is This Training for? Do You Coach Runners Like Me?

You don’t have to be an elite runner, in your 20’s, or even run fast to fit in with this group.

The RunnersConnect community is filled with all types of runners – young, old, marathoners, 5kers, new to the sport, grizzled veterans and more.

We’re even global – with athletes from 80 different countries.

What we do all have in common is a love for running and a desire to improve, stay healthy and enjoy the sport more!

So, I can almost guarantee you’ll fit in with this group and love your new team!

The plans we write for this group are also customized to your age, goals, training experience and injury history. We can write your plan in miles or kilometers, whichever you prefer.  So whether you’re just getting started on your running journey or you’re an experienced runner looking for that edge, our plan will work for you.

Don't Take Our Word for It


See how we've helped runners just like you achieve their goals

Runner's We've Coached
New Personal Bests
Countries Represented

Still Not Convinced? Here's a Deeper Look at How Everything Works

How We Write & Deliver Your Custom Schedule

Your training schedule is custom created and meticulously written just for you. We take data from your previous training, current PRs, best training days and develop a personalized training schedule that is uniquely suited for your work/life schedule, strengths and your weaknesses to ensure you get the most of your running.

How Our Coaches Help Guide Your Training

We use our team of expert coaches to help answer your questions, adjust your training, and keep you accountable. You can ask questions in our private stream, post questions when you log your workouts, and interact with us during the live calls.

Strength Work Built Into Your Plan

Your training integrates strength work into your schedule – not just throws it on top. You’ll know exactly what you need to do each day of the week. Moreover, the strength work is progressive (building you up and not remaining static) and targeted to your specific race distance.


Explanations and Guidance for Every Workout

Each one of your workouts comes with a specific explanation of why you’re doing that session and an in-depth article on how to execute should you have any questions. This helps you understand how every run fits together and instills belief and confidence in your training.


Motivation, Accountability and Consistency to Stay on Track

Our platform helps to keep you motivated by connecting you to a support system of other runners like you who are there to encourage you after a tough workout, send a congrats after a new milestone, and keep you on track when you want to skip a run. Your training plan also has built-in features to help you keep your eyes on the prize!


Injury Prevention And Treatment

Get a step-by-step plan to identify your weaknesses and where you’re susceptible to injury (and how to fix). If you’re already injured, you’ll get a day-by-day treatment and rehab plan as well.


Nutrition Guidance and Access to All Premium Courses

Your training comes with a complete nutrition course to teach you what and how to eat to lose weight, fuel for your training, fuel during the race, stay healthy, and more. Plus, it you have access to all of our premium courses like how to improve your running form, active stretching, kettlebells and more.


Easily Export Your Workouts

We know what it’s like to be a busy runner, so our schedules and platform make it easy to stick to your training. Receive daily text reminders of your workouts, import your workouts into your favorite watch, calendar or app, and easily export your data so your coaches can analyze. Now you can fit training smart around your busy life!


See an Example Schedule

Giving an example schedule is actually very difficult because we custom write all of our plans. That means no two training schedules will look alike.

The example schedule here is a brief overview, mainly focused on our philosophy and how it would apply to training. The mileage numbers and workouts are not what you would be asked to run. Your plan would be custom written for you based on your experience level and goals.